Justus Dirks Photography
I'm South African borne and now live in the United Kingdom. Growing up, I have always been interested in photography, Guess it's been an inherited interest from my dad who always had cameras. I got my first Nikon FE when I left for Uni and always had a camera since then. In the early 2000's I migrated to digital photography with all it's exiting new capabilities, but never quit settled until the release of the Leica M9. For me that was most likely the most complete camera. It had all the solid history of Leica built into it with a new full sensor, digital capability.
It opened up a whole new photography adventure. I would place myself as a very amateur on the go photographer, looking for something new to snap. I love the simplicity of the Leica. My current lens collection are all from Voigtlander. Reliable and vastly more affordable. Leica Has moved on with the digital concept and who knows one day I'll get a newer model, but for the last 8 years I've been nothing but very happy with what I've got!